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Catherine Aparis
21 Place Justin Mussou
La Garde


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price from €60






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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 72 15 6
Apartment 3 75 85 15 6
Holiday Home 4 90 100 6




  • Château de La Garde: Located just a short distance from Place Justin Mussou, this historic castle offers visitors a glimpse into the region's rich history. Explore the well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • Toulon Old Town: Situated approximately 4 kilometers from La Garde, Toulon's old town is a charming area filled with narrow streets, colorful buildings, and a vibrant atmosphere. Discover the bustling markets, quaint shops, and numerous cafes and restaurants while soaking in the authentic ambiance.
  • Mont Faron: Rising above Toulon, Mont Faron offers breathtaking views of the city, the Mediterranean Sea, and the surrounding countryside. Visitors can reach the summit by cable car and enjoy hiking trails, a zoo, and a memorial dedicated to the Allied forces who liberated Toulon during World War II.
  • Mourillon Beach: Located in the heart of Toulon, Mourillon Beach is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. With its golden sand, clear blue waters, and a promenade lined with cafes and bars, it's an ideal place to relax, swim, or enjoy water sports.
  • Musée National de la Marine: Situated in Toulon's historic naval port, this national maritime museum showcases the rich maritime heritage of France. Explore exhibits on naval history, ship models, and artifacts, providing a fascinating insight into the country's naval prowess.
  • Giens Peninsula: Located about 20 kilometers southeast of La Garde, the Giens Peninsula offers a picturesque coastal landscape. With its crystal-clear waters, stunning cliffs, and hidden coves, it's a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy hiking, snorkeling, or simply relaxing on one of the peninsula's beautiful beaches.
  • Saint-Tropez: Situated approximately 60 kilometers from La Garde, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous coastal town renowned for its luxury yachts, chic boutiques, and vibrant nightlife. Explore the charming old town, visit the iconic Vieux Port, and soak up the glamorous atmosphere of this renowned holiday destination.
  • Porquerolles Island: Located off the coast of Hyères, Porquerolles Island is a true gem of the Mediterranean. With its pristine sandy beaches, picturesque landscapes, and crystal-clear waters, it's a perfect destination for a day trip. Enjoy cycling around the island, exploring the nature reserves, or simply relaxing on the idyllic beaches.
  • Domaine du Rayol: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from La Garde, Domaine du Rayol is a stunning coastal garden that showcases the diverse flora of the Mediterranean region. Explore the landscaped gardens, walk along scenic paths, and learn about the unique plant species that thrive in this beautiful environment. 10. Hyères: Located around 20 kilometers east of La Garde, Hyères is a charming town known for its historical center and beautiful beaches. Discover the medieval old town, visit the picturesque Port Saint-Pierre, or explore the vibrant market offering local produce and products. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from historical landmarks and cultural sites to natural beauty and coastal delights, ensuring there is something for every visitor near Place Justin Mussou in La Garde, France.

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