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Chemin Du Vierard



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price from €110






Description for B&B:

Experience a genuine haven in the beautiful region of Provence with our collection of three exquisite guest rooms, exclusively designed for naturists, nestled within three hectares of picturesque landscape. Indulge in the ultimate comfort within our well-appointed rooms, while enjoying the luxury of a heated swimming pool, invigorating Jacuzzi, rejuvenating massages, delightful tables d'hôtes, invigorating fitness trail, convenient summer kitchen, exhilarating games of petanque, and a variety of outdoor activities. Situated in close proximity to the breathtaking Gorges du Verdon, your perfect getaway awaits.


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Head 4 kilometers in the direction of Brignoles from Barjols.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 110 170 770 945
Holiday Home 1 170 240 1260 1365


Swimming Pool


  • Gorges du Verdon: Located approximately 30 kilometers away from Chemin Du Vierard, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning natural attraction known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." The deep turquoise waters of the Verdon River flow through impressive limestone cliffs, offering opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and enjoying breathtaking views.
  • Abbaye du Thoronet: Situated around 10 kilometers from Barjols, Abbaye du Thoronet is a beautifully preserved Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the serene cloisters, Romanesque architecture, and attend occasional musical performances held in the abbey's exceptional acoustics.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: Located approximately 35 kilometers north of Chemin Du Vierard, Lac de Sainte-Croix is a picturesque freshwater lake offering a variety of recreational activities. Visitors can rent paddleboats, kayaks, or electric boats to explore the crystal-clear waters, swim, or relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Cotignac: Situated just a short drive away, Cotignac is a charming Provençal village known for its unique setting against a backdrop of towering cliffs. The village is home to historic buildings, narrow streets lined with shops and cafes, and the stunning Notre-Dame-de-Grâces Chapel, built into the side of a cliff.
  • Château d'Entrecasteaux: Located around 15 kilometers southwest of Barjols, Château d'Entrecasteaux is a magnificent castle surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens. The castle dates back to the 11th century and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its rich history, grand architecture, and well-manicured grounds.
  • Aups: Situated approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Chemin Du Vierard, Aups is a charming Provençal town known for its lively weekly market. Visitors can wander through the market stalls, discovering local produce, spices, crafts, and Provencal delicacies. Aups also offers historical sites, including the 13th-century Clock Tower and the Church of St. Pancrace.
  • Museum of Prehistory of Quinson: Located about 35 kilometers away, the Museum of Prehistory of Quinson offers a fascinating insight into the region's prehistoric past. Visitors can explore interactive exhibits, including life-size reconstructions of prehistoric scenes, and learn about the rich archaeological discoveries made in the nearby Verdon Gorge.
  • Thoronet Village: Situated approximately 10 kilometers southeast of Barjols, Thoronet Village is a charming Provençal town known for its picturesque streets and authentic atmosphere. Visitors can stroll through the village, admire its traditional stone houses, and enjoy the relaxed ambiance of this lesser-known gem.
  • Sillans-la-Cascade: Located around 15 kilometers southwest of Chemin Du Vierard, Sillans-la-Cascade is a small village famous for its enchanting waterfall. Visitors can follow a short trail to reach the impressive 42-meter-high waterfall, surrounded by lush greenery, and enjoy a refreshing dip in the natural pools at its base. 10. Château de Saint-Martin: Situated approximately 40 kilometers northwest of Barjols, Château de Saint-Martin is a beautiful vineyard estate offering wine tours and tastings. Visitors can explore the vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and sample the estate's renowned wines, all while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

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